Specialist Groups: Applied and Industrial Physics
Industry : What are industry's issues?
We aim to identify the needs and problems of industry and what industry
would like to receive by way of support from tertiary educational facilities.
Some potential questions or concerns are:
- What are industries' requirements of South African tertiary educational
facility graduates?
- Is the course material taught at our universities and
technikons, etc, actually addressing any of our industrial requirements?
- What individual course should be considered required study for
graduates not intending to remain in academia?
- Or, What would an Applied Physics course curriculum look like?
- How do businesses advertise their services to academia,
- and, how do businesses find academic help?
If you, as an industrialist in Southern Africa, have any comment on these
or other questions, please send them to me for inclusion on this web site to
Some responses
As reponses and suggestions to handle them are developed, they will be posted here.
- "Academics have no concept of time and don't appreciate deadlines" - An
industrialist on outsourcing projects to universities.
Last updated: 19 January 2005